Welcome to the Black

This is a blog about my table top gaming from mini wargaming to board games to card games.


Games I Play: Deadzone

I realized that I keep mentioning games on here that I play but don't often explain them so here is the start of a new regular feature: Games I Play. This is going to be a weekly column that features the games that me and my friends have with a 'get to know' kind of feel. So without further ado ... DEADZONE!

In Deadzone, you control an elite squad of soldiers and engage your opponents in furious fire-fights within the cramped confines of an urban battlezone.

Featuring stunningly detailed miniatures and fully modular scenery, Deadzone puts you in the centre of exciting battles with variable mission objectives: capture enemy intel, assassinate the enemy leader… eliminate the opposition! - Mantic Games
Deadzone is a 28mm miniatures board game produced by Mantic Games (funded on Kickstarter) played on a 2' x 2' mat with 3Dimensional plastic scenery used as the backdrop. It is a hybrid between the miniature war games we know and love (Games-Workshop anyone?) and a board game. It uses mini's and dice like a wargame, and can be purchased in a starter set with two starting forces. Again like a wargame each player has their own force and can build on it over time, but unlike most wargames at least one player needs the starter set ( or at least a mat and terrain ).

What is different from most wargames is that there is no tape measure needed as the mat (and terrain) is broken into 3" squares and all ranges are measured in squares (cubes really but squares are easier to visualize). Also unlike most wargames it is based around d8s instead of d6s.

I was a backer on Kickstarter so I got basically one of everything that has been released so far but that has made it hard to not go crazy and buy EVEN MORE as the wave 2 shipments from the Kickstarter were being finalized.

Having not gotten in as many games as I would have liked since I got it my ability to offer feedback is limited but it is a fast fun game with some hugely cinematic moments, from game winning headshots to huge monsters rampaging around the battlefield. Oh and teleporting turtles, can't forget those.


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